SensoLite 310 Set
Laser receiver for red and green rotary lasers
SensoLite 310 Set
This laser receiver is suitable for red and green rotary lasers and allows time-saving, close and long-range alignment work. The easy-to-read LC displays on the front and rear and clear acoustic signals provide the user with information on the height of the laser beam. The universal mount allows the device to be easily attached to levelling staffs. The integrated head magnet allows the device to be attached to metal surfaces. The reception range is 300 metres for red lasers and 200 metres for green.
Protection Class | IP 54 |
Power Supply | 1 x 9V 6LR61 (9V block) |
Operating Time | 1 year (typical, depending on use optical / acoustic alarm) |
Operating Conditions | 0°C … 50°C, Luftfeuchtigkeit max. 80% rH, nicht kondensierend, Arbeitshöhe max. 4000 m über NN (Normalnull) |
Storage Conditions | 0°C … 70°C, Luftfeuchtigkeit max. 80% rH |
Dimensions (W x H x D) | 83 mm x 160 mm x 28 mm |
Weight | 296 g (inkl. Batterien / ohne Halterung) |
UMAREX GmbH & Co. KG - Bereich Laserliner - Donnerfeld 2 - D 59757 Arnsberg - Germany
Tel. +49 2932 638-300 - Fax +49 2932 638-333 -