SensoLite 410 Set
High-performance laser receiver with extremely large receiving range for red and green rotary lasers
SensoLite 410 Set
This high-performance laser receiver for red and green rotary lasers has an extremely large reception range of 400 metres, ideal for quick detection of the laser over long distances. The waterproof housing has magnets on the front and side for easy attachment to metallic surfaces. LC displays on the front and rear of the device and acoustic signals indicate the height of the laser beam. Three colour LEDs located at the front, rear and side provide remote identification. The receiver monitors the reference height of the laser with the Versus function and optical and acoustic signals provide a warning in the event of incorrect measurement.
Protection Class | IP 54 |
Power Supply | 1 x 9V 6LR61 (9V block) |
Operating Conditions | 0°C … 50°C, Luftfeuchtigkeit nicht kondensierend, Arbeitshöhe max. 4000 m über NN (Normalnull) |
Storage Conditions | 0°C … 70°C, Luftfeuchtigkeit max. 80% rH, nicht kondensierend |
Dimensions (W x H x D) | 31 mm x 160 mm x 75 mm |
Weight | 290 g # |
UMAREX GmbH & Co. KG - Bereich Laserliner - Donnerfeld 2 - D 59757 Arnsberg - Germany
Tel. +49 2932 638-300 - Fax +49 2932 638-333 -