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UMAREX GmbH & Co. KG takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We want you to know when we store which data and how we use it. As a private company, we are subject to the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). We have taken both technical and organizational measures to ensure that data protection regulations are observed by both us and external service providers.

You can find this under the menu item -> Company -> Data protection declaration.




You can find here our
current catalogs and flyers
as an interactive ePaper:

Reduced ecological footprint

Health & Home


Blätterkatalog Fachhandel

Professional sales program

Blätterkatalog Fachhandel

Retail program




CenterScanner Plus

CenterScanner Flyer

Here you can download our catalogs as PDF..

is a competent partner around the world. In the planning, construction, modernization, renovation and restoration, Laserliner instruments are characterized by numerous technical innovations. The 4 year guarantee offers obvious benefits and compelling performance. Laserliner measuring technology brings more safety and reliability to building sites, the trade and the industry.